
Friday 22 November 2013

Karnival Ilmu.

Karnival Ilmu.

        On 21 November 2013 , 20  student elektif A together with the  lectures  PN A’dillah bt Mustafa make a program at Lembaga Pembangunan dan Penduduk Keluarga Negara (LPPKN) Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. This program under subject  IMA 653 Promotional activities in resources centre. This program is collaboration student Faculty Information Management UITM Puncak Perdana with Lembaga Pembangunan dan Penduduk Keluarga Negara (LPPKN). 
The competition for the staff

The aims of this program is  to expose students to the ways how to manage the program and want to student get closer with community also to improve their communication skill.  This program's theme is “Karnival Ilmu” and there are many of activities  on the that day. In example, the talk that has given by Encik Airol Irwan Limin, the writer of the book, title “Buku Perisai Buat Wanita” the topic that he given about “Menangani Gangguan Seksual”. 

Registration for the participants

Waiting the instruction to start the competition

The participants on the that day

Parents and their child joining the activity
Parents use their creativity to decorate their child

Other than that their also open a Booth, sales, quiz, forum, art and creative. This program start at 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. Besides that, their also provide a coupon, certificate and lucky draw prizes to student who join this program.Other than that, in this program the audience  are told about how to protect the women herself from the bad guy, how to know the words that are usually use for cheating women and how to stop the situation if it happen to the women. It is because many women, ladies or girls are stuck with the bad guy nowadays as the developments of technology are increased. Many of them are cheated by bad guy. Every single time, the mass media reported about this case and it is increased by time to time. So as the women, we should protect ourselves from be cheated by bad guy.

Reporter by : Norhidayatul amira bt Othaman
                      Noor Amira bt Azmi
Photographer by : Siti Aminah bt Bebakar

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